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Musings of a Book Addict

I'm married to a scavenger of sorts and he often totes home rescued boxes of books that I paw through with shiny, hungry eyes. I pull out the odd and interesting and add them to my teetering stack.

Currently reading

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle
E.B. White: A Biography
Scott Elledge
Murder on the Orient Express
Agatha Christie
There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate
Cheri Huber, June Shiver
Living Buddha, Living Christ
Thích Nhất Hạnh
No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger
Mark Twain
The Snare of the Hunter
Helen MacInnes
Paintings of Henry Miller
Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell
Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the Soul
Robert Moss
Pentimento (Back Bay Books)
Lillian Hellman

Dancing with the Unconscious: The Art of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalysis of Art

Dancing with the Unconscious: The Art of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalysis of Art - Danielle Knafo This is a really wonderful book. Clinical Psychology Professor, Danielle Knafo really understands art, creativity and the artist's life and her analysis of the connections between Psychoanalysis and Art is fascinating. There are also some great color photos of the artwork she is discussing in the middle of the book, so you can really connect with the images yourself. She also touches on dreams and the role they play in Psychoanalysis and Art, although she was a bit too Freudian for my taste. It also wasn't clear why she chose the artists she did - it would have been nice to have a better explanation of that. But overall, a really wonderful book and a huge gift to the world of Art and Psychotherapy.